Sunday, August 3, 2008

Raspberry Friands

This is one of my favourite current bake. I got the recipe from Marie Claire's breakfast recipes:

125 g plain flour
185 g (but I use only 150g at most) icing sugar
100 g hazelnut meal
45 g dessicated coconut (I don't like coconut, so I just increase the hazelnut meal by 40g)
180g butter, melted and cooled
100g raspberries
50g marschmallows
10 extra marsh mallows
5 egg whites

Preheat oven. Grease friand tins (you can get friand tins from Sun Lik, they are slightly smaller than the silicone ones, but they will do. they are only 50 cents a piece)

Sift flour and icing sugar. Add in hazelnut (and coconut if you use cococnut)

Whisk egg whites until foamy, fold in the dry ingredients above. Mix also the melted butter.

Mince the raspberries and marshmallows. Fold them into the mixture.

Pour about 1.5 to 2 tbspoonfuls into the tins and bake for about 15 to 20 mins at 150 degrees centigrade.

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